8:13 PM

Who Was Here First?

In one of my videos on the Ning, a child presented a very interesting matter in the root of all discrimination. The question, "who was here first"? We cannot be the ones to say someone belongs here or not when America in relaity is terriory of the Indians, hello! They were the chiefs until the Eurpoeans hogged up all the land and left them with like 25 acres at the end (Vegas), but do you see the Indians yelling "Get off my property!"? No, they shared it with us and we should be grateful and share it with everyone else as well. For all we know this all ends in 2012 and it'll be no one's property. It's pathetic.

We have become such a socialist country thinking we deserve more than everyone else and we're worthy of all great things and better things like we're Gods or something , we can see countries like southern Africa starve of famine and not offer any of these fast food services to make a free shipment over there. This socialist attitude has worn off on all Americans (well the majority) and we walk around town like bosses of this land pointing fingers of who belongs here and who doesnt.

One can say it's the human characteristic to feel comfortable and to manipulate that aspect as well either by hurting others or not , flesh has the desire to accomidate to it's surroundings or force it's surrounding to accomidate to them. When majority rules we all follow it and revolt against the ones we arrange to be the "outsiders" or the "last comers". But we have to always keep in mind if the tables switch,(which they can since we are in such debt) when we need a reaching hand, who will help us when we are not welcoming migration and treating those already here as outsiders? How will our title as "American" affect the way people treat us when we visit other countires? I don't want to be treated as a self centered materialistic American whe people first see me .=[The country has to change as a whole not only i the aspect in illegal immigration and disrcimination but in the aspect when we as a country are ding something wrong, for all of us to stand together and say "its not right".


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