7:58 AM


This blog is composed to share the reality of Hispanic discrimination in our current time which many are unaware of because of the lack of light being brought upon the issue in order to not bring too much attention or alertness towards it. We have seen sprinkles of discrimination occurring such of it in the media but it hasn't really been presented as a major issue because of the politics that is connected with this issue, ilegal immigration. The sole reason why discrimination is occurring towards Hispanics is how the government currently has been slandering Hispanics with the title "illegal" in order to depict the issue of illegal immigration as hate to the other side(Mexico) and spurring up discrimination towards them in order for illegal immigration to stop by not being "welcoming" migration of thos across the border. This can be supported by who illegal immigration targets, Mexicans. Where illegal migration to the United States comes from many countries worldwide out the reason why Mexicans are the primary target is because of the easy accessibility they have and the growing amount of Mexicans illegals thta cross the border.

The united states has addressed illegal immigration the wrong way by creating a division of Americans and illegals and hispanics fall into the the divided side of Illegals by the way the media identifies illegals as being Hispanics. This gives some to take illegal immigration into their own hands since the government is putting it on the back burner because of the economic crisis we're in now . By taking as their own matter many are performing hate crimes in order to create fear and unwillingness to stay to who they depict as "illegals" and many states are passing laws in their regions on illegal immigration crackdown in the most unethical ways of stereotypical prejudice acts unaware of their discrimination against Hispanics because of the way our society has portrayed the profile of an illegal.


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