7:44 PM

Dique "Taking up all the jobs"

Ok this argument speaks for itself, I hate when I hear people say "Illegals are taking up all the jobs". Seriously? You would work $5 dollars an hour to clean 90 hotel rooms in 12 hour shifts? Or better yet mowing the lawn for a living to feed your family your whole entire life ?Are you nuts? Please! Illegals are doing the jobs we WONT DO! Jobs that even a teenager with no bills or rent to worry about will not do. I know people that will sit in their room all day and not "lower" themselves to be a waiter or busboy because they are too skilled for that job or whatever that means. I mean money is money , don't get mad if another person is willing to earn it by any means while your being picky on how to get it.

Yeah right, i know people that will not even show up to a job interview if it's not minimum wage, when your illegal you don't get minimum wage you get below it! Plus your not considered a citizen so you get no benefits or protection from the government which means they can chop off your arm at a meat grinder in a big Mcdonalds meat grinding factory and it will just be your lost not anyone else's when that would be a big law suit and make a citizen rich it will force that illegal to go back to their country because they cannot work with one arm or will be forced to work with one arm in order to support their family because they are the primary bread winner of the family.

Another reason will be that half of Americans don't know what hard work is, we think a hard day at work is sitting in front of a computer monitor as a receptionist from 9-5. No sweetie, hard work is picking cement with your bare hand like little children in Peru do in order to feed their sisters and brothers and mother that night so they won't go hungry another day, hard work is wheeling barrels of soil up mountains in order to get $1.50 that day so you can by 2 loaves of bread and have the most filling dinner you haven't had in weeks. These are what some immigrants come from working back at home and when they come here they do not care about the cost of work the job will wear on their body as long as they can provide. Thats a hard worker.

These people work their asses of for a little bit of money and people try to say they are stealing from our economy, that is straight bull when these people have to pay bills and rent to with half the income we make, and we think we're struggling?

** So I had to edit this because while I was working today babysitting, I spotted this Mexican women distributing supermarket brochures to every house, and I'm like "Oh my god it's like 15 degrees out here and she's acting like Santa out here" , I was just so amazed of her willingness to do such a job. I wouldn't care how much you paid me today to distribute supermarket brochures I WOULD NOT DO IT IN THIS ALASKAN WEATHER. You also have to consider that when I looked at the brochure it wasn't a big chain supermarket like Met Food or PathMark it was one of those little chain supermarkets of the neighborhood so you know she wasn't even getting paid that good. I felt bad but it showed me how ungrateful we are of immigration because a lot of things will get left undone around here if immigration was stopped or we kicked everyone back to their counties.


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