8:29 PM

America's Morals

So America only gives regards to those who where born here or have legal "privilege" here. Our systems is revolved around if your a citizen we protect  you (you can sue whoever that disrespects or mistreats you, you can take advantage of our benefits, you're provided with all of our public services) but if not your granted to nothing and you're here alone. Sounds blunt but it's basically how it goes around here. 
This causes favoritism in our country where our country was shaped upon all being treated equal but our country had created two sides of legal and illegal where both are treated very differently. Where the illegals are less important and legals are the favored but it's scrutinized even farther than that where mexican illegals are the least unimportant ones in the country because of the huge target of hate our nation has put on Mexicans because of the border issue the government cannot control and reflect to its as shaping us to unwelcome them. 

Hate crimes create more tension between races and more of a division which stirs up more of a two side fence in America where one is for treating people differently who weren't born here and the others that feel its unjust. With more hate crimes spurring up within our mists and the avoidance on the way it's causing more discrimination to happen by the way people are trial through these hate crimes on illegals more and more people lean towards "Hey they don't deserve to be here since our government is accepting it to persist without much consequence" . 

When an issue like this is presented it creates more rivalry whish can be a reason why we don't tend to portray this on the media as much in order to avoid in inflicting more hatred and rivalries. But again it should be presented more in order to show us reality and for us to try and help make a change in this matter of the liability of justice being only given to those born here. Again you can see how our government tries to sugarcoat everything by stating these kids thought he was a perverted man trying to hassle a girl,  but even if that where true it doesn't give justice for a man to be killed and you would have to be a damn foul not to believe a crime of 4 Caucasian kids who kill one illegal Mexican is not a hate crime. 


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