2:36 PM

My Interview

I did an anonymous interview to three of my friends and this is what was asked and their answers were

1)Do you think discrimination is occuring around you?
2)Whos the predominet race in your are
3)Who do you think the most discrimination is occuring to?
4)Why do you think that certain group is being discriminated?
5)Do you act upon discrimination?why?

Friend one 

1) I think discrimination occurs around me as it happens in my appartment building.. they don't allow blacks to rent an apartmentt.. I would say blacks and hispanics get the most discriminated in my area
I2)Its prodominently white and european
3I really don't know why they would be discriminated against..
4)It doesn't make sense to discriminate after everything everyone has gone through
5)I act upon it by telling people right from wrong only when I see it to be necessary

Friend Two

1)Yes thereis discrimination around me

3)Arab people
4)Becuase of terrorist people automatically assume all of them are the same and have the same mind set
5)No I don't act upon it

Friend Three(jerk only got to interview him for like 2 secs)

1-Theres no discrimination around me,if there was discrimination it would be with blacks becouse they have the largest amount of people at my job and neighborhood.

Taking consideration on my two interviewees who gave me something to look at my friend with the apartment that is not rented to African Americans show that our society limits accessibility because of race or creed. My other friedn shows hwo the media can give us a image of how to identify a certain group and makes us discriminate amongst eachother because of that image.Friend number one also shows that a large group in an area can block out the availability to allow multiculturism if they decide too because of how we tend to follow the mass majority choice.

9:18 PM

What We Can Do In Order To See Change

So i've been posting all these blogs about changing our reaction towards discrimination in order for it to not be taken lightly. So today as my friend made a Mexican joke regarding their pay and I didn't find it quite funny as I would've a month ago. This shows me that when we're educated about an issue we react less ignorant towards a racial remark. So the slightest knowledge I can give through this blog could change one person's reaction to discrimination and it can change . As I did not laugh at his remark he moved on to another one and this just shows when we act on a matter as a serious issue and not just an issue , the ones around us will look at it more closely in order to justify why we restrict to take the matter lightly.

Aside from that we should dilate to other people why we give more respect to the issue, I'm not saying we should be prudes and ruin all good humor but it has an extent in the matter where the whole world finds a issue funny rather then concerning. By just one gesture we can all push the world into another axis of change and create more respect towards each other. each other. And it's not even about respect it's about acceptance that we are different but that doesn't make us different in the aspect of getting hurt, of loving each other, of all the feelings, and endurances we face because we are all still flesh.

We don't understand that the pain we cause onto one person creates a domino affect of causing that pain to many that share the same story or similarities as them and when its a discriminating act it creates more a target instead of an insult and it creates an empowering where once can feel hopeless, you wouldn't want to feel that would you?

9:01 PM

The Media

3k43pb3l5zzzzzzzzz92gcd45140cb6641e3f1.jpgThe main issue why Mexicans are targeted more is because of the growing rate of births mexican illegals bare here and creates an image that they are just coming here to put more of a burden in he economy to take care of their responsibilities and that instead of helping our nation they are creating a strain with all the services we have to supply to that baby since the baby is now a legal citizen. I remember my group had a great conversation about this during one class topic group discussion when we presented the issue of some women creating a bad image towards Hispanics as "baby popping ,stay on welfare, taking up all the money from the economy, causing debt in the U.S whores"  which I won't lie I see a lot in Hispanics and that depicts us as just contributing more mouths to feed instead of more hands that feed. We argued if more women come to the United States just to have kids and not contribute to the economy or nation then more hate would be towards us because who likes a panhandler?

Then when this is broadcasted America thinks all Hispanics are like this and just pop babies here but they don't tend to show the hard work most of Hispanics do to contribute to the nation. As they say we can't really trust the media to get the truth because the media is just an instrument used by the government to mold our mind state to theirs. Now with one iconic women like Supreme Court Judge Sotomayor the light will be taken away a little from the enpregnated welfare lines and more on the accomplishments our women achieve instead of what we bare.

8:29 PM

America's Morals

So America only gives regards to those who where born here or have legal "privilege" here. Our systems is revolved around if your a citizen we protect  you (you can sue whoever that disrespects or mistreats you, you can take advantage of our benefits, you're provided with all of our public services) but if not your granted to nothing and you're here alone. Sounds blunt but it's basically how it goes around here. 
This causes favoritism in our country where our country was shaped upon all being treated equal but our country had created two sides of legal and illegal where both are treated very differently. Where the illegals are less important and legals are the favored but it's scrutinized even farther than that where mexican illegals are the least unimportant ones in the country because of the huge target of hate our nation has put on Mexicans because of the border issue the government cannot control and reflect to its as shaping us to unwelcome them. 

Hate crimes create more tension between races and more of a division which stirs up more of a two side fence in America where one is for treating people differently who weren't born here and the others that feel its unjust. With more hate crimes spurring up within our mists and the avoidance on the way it's causing more discrimination to happen by the way people are trial through these hate crimes on illegals more and more people lean towards "Hey they don't deserve to be here since our government is accepting it to persist without much consequence" . 

When an issue like this is presented it creates more rivalry whish can be a reason why we don't tend to portray this on the media as much in order to avoid in inflicting more hatred and rivalries. But again it should be presented more in order to show us reality and for us to try and help make a change in this matter of the liability of justice being only given to those born here. Again you can see how our government tries to sugarcoat everything by stating these kids thought he was a perverted man trying to hassle a girl,  but even if that where true it doesn't give justice for a man to be killed and you would have to be a damn foul not to believe a crime of 4 Caucasian kids who kill one illegal Mexican is not a hate crime. 

8:48 PM

Humor or Demeaning

How much can our humor cost? We take away the seriousness of the issue when we treat it as humor.It presents itself to the ones around us as not a big deal and then we all sweep it under the rug. By doing this we allow the continuation of that issue to continue without precaution of the real details of the issue and the reality it holds around us. 

When I first took upon the issue of Hispanic discrimination I really didn't think the number would be high because I have never been exposed to any discrimination or seen anything related to it.When the staggering number of 63% of hate crimes was towards Hispanics it was a bit alarming being that the only thing I see that involves Hispanic discrimination is when I look at comedy.  For instance a "wetback " joke of Carlos Mencia can tell a person if he's making fun of his own race why can't I? This projects that differences should be pointed out. But when we point out our differences we get treated different because of how we analyze this as division. 

We can also look at the freedom os speech in this country as allowing us to discriminate against each other, this privilege withholds us to enforce hatred between differences more publicly and influencing than ever. With freedom of speech we can manipulate minds that we are different and in that case should be treated differently which goes against Human rights which supports elimination of all forms of racial discrimination but how can these two laws work with each other when one encourages you to speak your mind and the other one limits your opinion?

This sends a confused message to society in which way they should act upon our differences.
In all we should take to account that this enables us to accept hate, accept discrimination, accept sector divisions of creed, and accept that we all should be looked and treated differently when we label each other.  With all these stereotypes we create racism that leads to discrimination and then leads to hate crimes. What we should do is not joke about real issues in society in order for us t care about it and not laugh about it. Because people getting brutally attacked because of the accent they reveal or the texture of their hair or even the amount of freckles on their face is not a laughing matter.

8:13 PM

Who Was Here First?

In one of my videos on the Ning, a child presented a very interesting matter in the root of all discrimination. The question, "who was here first"? We cannot be the ones to say someone belongs here or not when America in relaity is terriory of the Indians, hello! They were the chiefs until the Eurpoeans hogged up all the land and left them with like 25 acres at the end (Vegas), but do you see the Indians yelling "Get off my property!"? No, they shared it with us and we should be grateful and share it with everyone else as well. For all we know this all ends in 2012 and it'll be no one's property. It's pathetic.

We have become such a socialist country thinking we deserve more than everyone else and we're worthy of all great things and better things like we're Gods or something , we can see countries like southern Africa starve of famine and not offer any of these fast food services to make a free shipment over there. This socialist attitude has worn off on all Americans (well the majority) and we walk around town like bosses of this land pointing fingers of who belongs here and who doesnt.

One can say it's the human characteristic to feel comfortable and to manipulate that aspect as well either by hurting others or not , flesh has the desire to accomidate to it's surroundings or force it's surrounding to accomidate to them. When majority rules we all follow it and revolt against the ones we arrange to be the "outsiders" or the "last comers". But we have to always keep in mind if the tables switch,(which they can since we are in such debt) when we need a reaching hand, who will help us when we are not welcoming migration and treating those already here as outsiders? How will our title as "American" affect the way people treat us when we visit other countires? I don't want to be treated as a self centered materialistic American whe people first see me .=[The country has to change as a whole not only i the aspect in illegal immigration and disrcimination but in the aspect when we as a country are ding something wrong, for all of us to stand together and say "its not right".

7:44 PM

Dique "Taking up all the jobs"

Ok this argument speaks for itself, I hate when I hear people say "Illegals are taking up all the jobs". Seriously? You would work $5 dollars an hour to clean 90 hotel rooms in 12 hour shifts? Or better yet mowing the lawn for a living to feed your family your whole entire life ?Are you nuts? Please! Illegals are doing the jobs we WONT DO! Jobs that even a teenager with no bills or rent to worry about will not do. I know people that will sit in their room all day and not "lower" themselves to be a waiter or busboy because they are too skilled for that job or whatever that means. I mean money is money , don't get mad if another person is willing to earn it by any means while your being picky on how to get it.

Yeah right, i know people that will not even show up to a job interview if it's not minimum wage, when your illegal you don't get minimum wage you get below it! Plus your not considered a citizen so you get no benefits or protection from the government which means they can chop off your arm at a meat grinder in a big Mcdonalds meat grinding factory and it will just be your lost not anyone else's when that would be a big law suit and make a citizen rich it will force that illegal to go back to their country because they cannot work with one arm or will be forced to work with one arm in order to support their family because they are the primary bread winner of the family.

Another reason will be that half of Americans don't know what hard work is, we think a hard day at work is sitting in front of a computer monitor as a receptionist from 9-5. No sweetie, hard work is picking cement with your bare hand like little children in Peru do in order to feed their sisters and brothers and mother that night so they won't go hungry another day, hard work is wheeling barrels of soil up mountains in order to get $1.50 that day so you can by 2 loaves of bread and have the most filling dinner you haven't had in weeks. These are what some immigrants come from working back at home and when they come here they do not care about the cost of work the job will wear on their body as long as they can provide. Thats a hard worker.

These people work their asses of for a little bit of money and people try to say they are stealing from our economy, that is straight bull when these people have to pay bills and rent to with half the income we make, and we think we're struggling?

** So I had to edit this because while I was working today babysitting, I spotted this Mexican women distributing supermarket brochures to every house, and I'm like "Oh my god it's like 15 degrees out here and she's acting like Santa out here" , I was just so amazed of her willingness to do such a job. I wouldn't care how much you paid me today to distribute supermarket brochures I WOULD NOT DO IT IN THIS ALASKAN WEATHER. You also have to consider that when I looked at the brochure it wasn't a big chain supermarket like Met Food or PathMark it was one of those little chain supermarkets of the neighborhood so you know she wasn't even getting paid that good. I felt bad but it showed me how ungrateful we are of immigration because a lot of things will get left undone around here if immigration was stopped or we kicked everyone back to their counties.

7:05 PM

The Predominent Are The One's We Call "Intolerant"

Ask yourself which racial group in your neighborhood is the most predominant race . Now ask yourself which race does your area revolt the most racist on? Answers seem similar? Well thats because when society has a predominant race amongst them they tend to revolt towards them because of how predominance triggers inferiority towards the group no matter how diverse the group is.Society does not feel subtle when it feels as if it's outnumbered by a group in their mists.As a group of men would feel when an outnumbered amount of ladies come along, they would make derogatory remarks towards them or flirt in order to feel superior and have control of the environment. Discrimination unfolds in order to have control in fear of feeling inferior which is why it demeans which ever group of people it targets because that group or person already feels like they are below you and by discriminating against that group or person they are trying to make you FEEL (it's not actuality) that you are inferior to them or that you do not belong.

Discrimination to me is acting on a situation helplessly , it shows your act upon the issue at hand childlike to handle it with no solution but avoidance because when we try to control the issue with discrimination it means we don't know of a solution. For instance illegal immigration when we start discriminating against Hispanics (or any migrating group ) we are steering awa from the issue and possible solution to give attention to a ignorant remark , this shows weakness for you to move to a change and instead hollow unity and prevent a step forward but create a stump. 

Others do it in order for change not to occur, of course with a huge population of one race or culture the demand of accomidation in the enviornment will cause rapid change especially with a large population. This is what I think it's occuring now with the "issue" of illegal immigration inplanted in the Hispanic race. In order for discrimination to persist towards Hispanics the media presents the issue of illegal immigration to take light from the fact of the real huge issue; the alarmingly increasing hate crimes that are targeted towards Hispanics. 

In orders for otheres to rebel on the predomienet race man a\has the tendency to portray a picture of that group affectig society in either discriminating them towards one icon or portraying that group as a disrupter of "how things are now". 

6:32 PM

Around Me

">Walking down the avenues and streets in Manhattan , Brooklyn , The Bronx or any of the 5 boroughs you would see blocks filled with multiculturalism with the many languages being spoken amongst one another and the cultures projected through our surroundings.But has anyone ever looked more closely? When I touched this topic of discrimination I never paid much attention to how racially divided my city really was until i started looking more CLOSELY. I started off looking at my neighborhood , my neighborhood is literally gated, it's a division of the "hood" and beach houses. The beach houses are located in Sea Gate, a gated community of rich Jews and Russian mafias and in the other side there is the "hood" with project buildings and some apartments and houses. Ironically the only people that live in the other side of Sea Gate are hispanics and African Americans and a sprinkle of Asians that own the strip of houses located on the avenues. You can also view a broader place such as the Bronx. In the Bronx the poorer communities such as the South bronx is rounded around African Americans and Hispanics where Riverdale is predominantly white.
  Believe it or not these are the signs of segregation round us.It should alarm us, if the system is so structured to divide us into regions because of our races imagine what it can do to make us hate each other. Recently it has happened with the title of Hispanics as "illegal" a type of word that will describe a criminal or a reckless intruder as an inferior of society as the America did in the time of segregation of African Americans with the word "negro" as inferiors. Could it be that we are living in the age where discrimination is allowed and we don't even know its occurring around us, let alone participating in it?

I mean we do it everyday, the stereotypical jokes as humor to others to get a laugh, but this can grow into discriminating remarks to be accepted. I admit I say things that are racist at times but I don't take the account of it to be demeaning to anyone but what I am actually saying could set in someone's mind that the stereotype is true and not a joke and they can start treating others differently by just the trigger of one remark that I considered a humor.This then creates an atmosphere where people are depicting each other solely on race and not of who they are as a person which then causes the stereotype .

But it could be a reaction to me as seeing what's around me ,division.

7:58 AM


This blog is composed to share the reality of Hispanic discrimination in our current time which many are unaware of because of the lack of light being brought upon the issue in order to not bring too much attention or alertness towards it. We have seen sprinkles of discrimination occurring such of it in the media but it hasn't really been presented as a major issue because of the politics that is connected with this issue, ilegal immigration. The sole reason why discrimination is occurring towards Hispanics is how the government currently has been slandering Hispanics with the title "illegal" in order to depict the issue of illegal immigration as hate to the other side(Mexico) and spurring up discrimination towards them in order for illegal immigration to stop by not being "welcoming" migration of thos across the border. This can be supported by who illegal immigration targets, Mexicans. Where illegal migration to the United States comes from many countries worldwide out the reason why Mexicans are the primary target is because of the easy accessibility they have and the growing amount of Mexicans illegals thta cross the border.

The united states has addressed illegal immigration the wrong way by creating a division of Americans and illegals and hispanics fall into the the divided side of Illegals by the way the media identifies illegals as being Hispanics. This gives some to take illegal immigration into their own hands since the government is putting it on the back burner because of the economic crisis we're in now . By taking as their own matter many are performing hate crimes in order to create fear and unwillingness to stay to who they depict as "illegals" and many states are passing laws in their regions on illegal immigration crackdown in the most unethical ways of stereotypical prejudice acts unaware of their discrimination against Hispanics because of the way our society has portrayed the profile of an illegal.